venerdì, ottobre 05, 2007

Microsoft Launches Medical Information Storage Web Site

Microsoft Launches Medical Information Storage Web Site

Microsoft declared its health care intentions last year when it bought Azyxxi, a software system developed by a hospital to collect and display real-time patient data from a variety of sources. This year, it bought a start-up company that develops Web search technology for medical information.

Microsoft said it plans to reach out to doctors, hospitals and health services companies to build Web applications to work with HealthVault. It's a strategy similar to how it encouraged other technology companies to build applications on top of its Windows operating system.

Microsoft launched on Thursday a Web site that lets people store medical information online, moving into a consumer health care business targeted by Google and other technology players.

Microsoft's HealthVault stores medical information for free in an encrypted database and provides the user with the option of what information goes into the record and who sees that information. It is being launched only in the United States.


Una piattaforma di servizi online che ponga il malato al centro di una rete, coinvolgendo medici di base, ospedali, farmacie, laboratori di analisi, ministeri, renderebbe possibile la gestione e il controllo dei processi dei servizi sanitari, incrementando la produttivita' e migliorando la qualita' del servizio abbattendo i costi.

Applicazioni di controllo dei processi industriali, gestione e comunicazione dei dati clinici e delle terapie farmacologiche, gestione e schedulazione delle risorse infermieristiche e di laboratorio/diagnostiche, monitoraggio dei pazienti e distribuzione dei farmaci, potrebbero dimezzare i costi sanitari.

Dobbiamo investire su un sistema italiano, con massima priorita'.